
Preparation For Job Interview

Pre interview Preparations
The very first thing a candidate should do is prepare a qualitative resume in respect to the job he is applying for. Resume is the best tool to create good impression about you in the mind of the employer. The resume should not contain excess of personalized information rather it should contain precise and systematic information about basic personal information, your career objective, educational qualifications, technical skills or any other special skills which may be useful for the job you are applying. Then resume should also include your achievements or experience if any, some more additional information like hobbies, references, etc where necessary.
The career objective mentioned in the resume should match to the job you are applying for. Don’t make any grammatical mistakes, wrong punctuations in the resume it creates a bad impression. Once your resume gets through the screening process then you have to appear the next round. Well the next round may be either telephonic interview, personal interview or any other depending upon the company’s screening process.
Personal Interview Preparations
Personal interview is the main step in the screening process. Candidates should be in proper attire to create a good impression on the interviewer. You should dress formally, well polished shoes, wear clean and fresh colored dress for interview. Females should wear short tops in their ears, avoid loud jewelry, etc. You should check out the company culture before going for interview.
Candidates should go through their resumes before interview, study a bit about company profile, their customers, competitors, company’s market position, etc. All this will help to tackle with questions in the interview. Think for a second before you answer any question in the interview don’t fumble or give lengthy answers. Give precise and to the point answers. Sometimes employers ask tricky questions to test your presence of mind. Just be confident your interview, give answers in a decent manner, and sit erect in the chair while giving interview. Don’t be in hurry to answer let the interviewer finish his question and then you answer. Most of the time in excitement you may start answering before the interviewer finishes the question.
Many times it happens that we try to answer some question even if we don’t know the correct answer. When you are not sure about the answer directly mention that you don’t know. It is not necessary that you should answer all the questions in the interview. Wrong answers may create bad impression rather than unanswered question. Avoid giving idiotic expressions at the time of interview, don’t use clutches while answering, and don’t give shake hands by yourself unless offered by the interviewer.
Post interview
Once the interview is over it is the time for further steps in screening like physical test, medical test, personality test, intellectual test, etc depending upon the company’s selection process. Generally the final step in every selection process is job offer. When you get job offer clarify all your doubts about timing of job, training period, dress code, etc. Please keep in mind that receiving the offer letter does not mean that you have accepted the job. Make sure you inform the acceptance of the offer letter either by calling the company HR or other responsible person or you can just send a mail to the company. Job seeker should read all the details in the offer letter before accepting it. If you are satisfied with all the terms then only accept it. Offer letter consist all details like payment, job responsibilities, training period, company policy, other benefits and responsibilities applicable to you. Once you accept/reject the offer letter the selection process is completed. For more details visit

